The property acquired during their cohabitation shall be subject to disposition by mutual agreement. If they fail to reach an agreement, the people's court shall give a ruling on the principle of caring for the no-fault party. 同居期间所得的财产,由当事人协议处理;协议不成时,由人民法院根据照顾无过错方的原则判决。
On Monday the court released a decision on education policy for minorities. But, the high court chose not to give a final ruling on the policy known as affirmative action. 周一,最高法院对涉及少数族裔教育政策一案作出判决,但回避了对众所周知的平权法案作出最终裁定。
Not surprisingly, Charles Ferguson of Ferguson Solicitors and Mr Keen's solicitor, is aggrieved about the Law Lords 'reluctance to consider this aspect of the case, and give a definitive ruling at the highest level. 上议院的高级法官们不愿考虑该案的这一方面并做出最终裁决,基恩先生的律师、FergusonSolicitors的查尔斯•弗格森(CharlesFerguson)对此感到愤愤不平就不足为奇了。
A couple forced to give up three children for adoption despite a judge ruling they may have been wrongly accused of abuse yesterday vowed to take their legal fight to Europe. 一对夫妇昨日声言要在欧洲为维护合法权益而争,尽管法官裁决他们被指挥虐童有误他们却被迫放弃三个孩子抚养权。